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College Success Starts Here

Ready to make a change? 比肯大学大约20%的学生在其他地方获得了大学学分. Beacon College is transfer-friendly, and we’re glad you’ve made the choice to learn more about Beacon. 无论你是否需要额外的学生支持服务或想重塑你的未来, 你找不到比这更适合有学习差异的学生了.

Start Your Application Today

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Transfer of Credits to Beacon

To receive transfer credits, 转学生需要提供转学机构的正式成绩单。. 目录课程描述或课程教学大纲也可能被要求. 官方文件必须在第一学期结束前提交.

Transfer Requirements

推荐几个买球app网址只接受地区认可的机构和项目的学分,不会根据非大学机构提供的培训授予学分, professional certification, or experiential learning. 推荐几个买球app网址在个人基础上评估和接受转学分.

  • 如果学分达到(C)或更高,可以考虑接受转学分.
  • Transfer credits cannot exceed 30 credits for the A.A. degree or 90 credits for the B.A. degree.
  • 学分只能在推荐几个买球app网址当前课程中提供的领域授予,并且必须与学生的教育计划适当相关.
  • 当成绩达到(C)或以上时,学院会根据ETS预修课程授予学分.

毕肯学院保留拒绝某些课程学分的权利. Once the official transcript has been received, 转学生的学术顾问将审查和评估成绩单,以确定哪些课程学分可以转移到推荐几个买球app网址,以及它们是否可以用于项目要求, minor requirements, general education requirements, or elective credits. The Registrar 是否会在收到正式成绩单后的五(5)天内通知学生接受的学分.

Application Process


Transfer students are invited to apply online or with the CommonApp.

How to Apply
Beacon College Exterior

College life goes beyond academics. Our new student orientation, club fairs, 和学生参与办公室帮助你成为社区的一部分-从俱乐部和活动到住宿生活, athletics, and more. 毕肯的社区价值观渗透到校园的各个领域,以帮助学生在课堂内外达到最高水平.

Life at Beacon

转学生选择比肯大学的一个原因是我们位于佛罗里达州中部,阳光明媚. 整个学年都有温暖的天气和户外娱乐活动, 许多学习方式不同的学生在利斯堡找到了更好的身心健康. 我们的校园充分利用了这个位置,有风景优美的口袋公园和户外娱乐空间供学生闲逛, meet friends, or do schoolwork.

Our Campus
Female student works on a project in class.

Intellectual challenge is at the heart of a Beacon education, but transferring these skills to a career is even more important. 我们的九个学士学位课程旨在帮助我们的学生在当今的全球市场中找到有价值的工作. Additionally, 我们鼓励学生通过我们17个未成年人中的一个或多个来推荐几个买球app网站他们不同的兴趣.

Learn More

Beacon’s location in Central Florida, a short distance from Orlando, 对我们的学生在大公司和雇主那里寻求实习和工作经验有什么好处. A few of our career experience partners include Disney, Jet Blue, Southwest, SeaWorld, and JP Morgan, 我们的就业中心正在扩大我们与全球雇主的网络系统. 我们的企业合作伙伴分享我们的愿景,为毕肯学院的毕业生一个充满希望和满意的未来.

Internships & Experiences

我们致力于让你的大学教育负担得起、容易接受. Our staff is here to help you navigate the process, understand your options, and take the steps to secure your funding.

Financial Aid

A Welcoming Community

College life goes beyond academics. Our new student orientation, club fairs, 和学生参与办公室帮助你成为社区的一部分-从俱乐部和活动到住宿生活, athletics, and more. 毕肯的社区价值观渗透到校园的各个领域,以帮助学生在课堂内外达到最高水平.

Life at Beacon

Beautiful Campus

转学生选择比肯大学的一个原因是我们位于佛罗里达州中部,阳光明媚. 整个学年都有温暖的天气和户外娱乐活动, 许多学习方式不同的学生在利斯堡找到了更好的身心健康. 我们的校园充分利用了这个位置,有风景优美的口袋公园和户外娱乐空间供学生闲逛, meet friends, or do schoolwork.

Our Campus


Intellectual challenge is at the heart of a Beacon education, but transferring these skills to a career is even more important. 我们的九个学士学位课程旨在帮助我们的学生在当今的全球市场中找到有价值的工作. Additionally, 我们鼓励学生通过我们17个未成年人中的一个或多个来推荐几个买球app网站他们不同的兴趣.

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Opportunity Awaits

Beacon’s location in Central Florida, a short distance from Orlando, 对我们的学生在大公司和雇主那里寻求实习和工作经验有什么好处. A few of our career experience partners include Disney, Jet Blue, Southwest, SeaWorld, and JP Morgan, 我们的就业中心正在扩大我们与全球雇主的网络系统. 我们的企业合作伙伴分享我们的愿景,为毕肯学院的毕业生一个充满希望和满意的未来.

Internships & Experiences

Financial Aid

我们致力于让你的大学教育负担得起、容易接受. Our staff is here to help you navigate the process, understand your options, and take the steps to secure your funding.

Financial Aid


Plan Your Visit

The best way to get to know Beacon is to visit! Join us on campus for a tour or Open House.


How to Apply

Ready to take the next step? Review admission guidelines, and begin your application today!


Virtual Events


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New Student Orientation


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Do you have a question?

Get in touch with the Office of Admissions at admissions@uniqleighme.com or call 855-220-5376 (toll-free).